Monday 9 May 2011


Upon donning my rather fetching onesy and getting ready to leave I noted an ominous omen, my good karma frog had disappeared from it's home within our front gate.

 See it's gone below.
Obviously this LOGKFP (lack of good karma frog presence) was something to be concerned about. However instead of curling up in a ball reciting gear ratios and percentages to myself as usual

I pressed on in a single speed mind.

It was a dark night (as often I find they are at this latitude) a gentle mist had fallen over the moor lands at Bracken Ridge. Driving my Mist Green 2007 RAV4 into the mist destiny had held me a reservation for onesy. (luckily the mist is a whitish colour where as the car is a green mist otherwise it would have been confusing and dangerous for other drivers)

Yes that's right gentle reader the return of the dark lord 'he who shall not be named' MFTF (My Friend The File). In an earlier post I had deluded myself into thinking that I had solved my Welcome Back Cotter issue, not the one how did Vinnie Barbarino feel about drugs but had I really fixed the crank cotter pin fiasco? I showed what I had done to Brett, remembering my LOGKFP, I knew it might not be all frogs and front fences. As it turned out it wasn't, the good karma frog foretold this. There was mention of humps and bumps in the cotter pin connection which would result in me having a floppy crank. Goodness gracious I exclaimed a floppy crank sounds terrible sounds like a terrible condition.

After some whinging (ok a lot of whinging, ok ok I whinged a real lot) to Brett he gave me the bluntest and most piss weak MFTF he could find (although I suggested using brown paper instead might be more at my skill level) he told me to man up and fix it (well he's way too nice to say such things but he should have). So off I went feeling that deep trepidation that only a hipster feels when he's forced to ride a bike with gears. I slowly filed some more off to try and fix my delusions, dreams and aspirations. Regrettably it appears all I fixed was my crank and cotter pin connection although not on my list a nice outcome anyway. At least I hope it's fixed, it's somewhat better but next week we'll find out if I did or have I continued to delude myself again this week. (just quietly the safe money is on deluded)
So I was filing the flat bit in the axle yet again.

A genius put together this jig to measure the cranks, I am forever in his debt for doing so as it really helped me this week.

At the end of the class was time for more home work. Now I was standing there when I heard the words from the 'genuine woman' 3D filing. I repeated my mantra DMY over and over again whilst cursing the LOGKFP.... I think I'll leave it there as there should be some mysteries in life. But if anyone is in the market I have a slightly used onesy for sale on eBay going cheap...

There was more to this weeks class and I'll talk about the homework later upon my recovery from the shock of 3D filing.

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