Monday 14 November 2011


As promised dear reader I haven't abandoned you to the wilds of Al Gore's interweb I'm still here and planning on posting each week. This week we have a sensual sexual theme. Don't worry it's still rated PG and at risk of losing most of my readers I keep my clothes....on.

Today is a special day. I find out if I'm too sexy for my hat. You be the judge....
Blue steel...

Gratuitous ear shot.

In this case carefully.

Work it Betty!

To answer the question posed earlier visa vi the relationship between the relative sexiness of hat I come a distance second but Betty gives hat a good run for it's money. I'd say it's a tie. This awesome piece of work was primarily organised by Janine! Kudos to you Janine it's fricken awesome and anyone who disagrees is a safety bicycle riding nincompoop.

But I digress. I've been working on two special montages. I'm having some technical difficulties with one but here is one I've 'finished'* (*your definition of finished almost certainly will vary from mine) it's a big one but I feel it's worth the 3 minutes of your life watch it or it proves you hate baby hedgehogs. Everyone on the count of three 'ahhhh isn't that cute'

And now the video .... I'm sexy and I know it.....

 Higher quality one for those rolling in bandwidth (20mb)

Yeeeeaah this is how I roll my onesy out of control!

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