Tuesday 20 September 2011

Rusty hands

Greetings gentle reader. Recently I noticed that a lot of the things I made for the p-far were rusting faster than a mongoose on heat. Upon mentioning this to the 'hood' aka the 'p-fars'aka the 'bretheren' they mentioned I must have 'Rusty Hands'. This perplexed me as I'd never noticed my hands being made of metal before but they explained in very clear terms my hands were the cause of the rust. Guess which forks are mine...

Yep the ones on the right.

This perplexing phonomonononon explains a few things...
- my ability to turn a P76 into a pile of rust in a couple of hours (although some may argue that is the natural state of a P76)

- why post-apocalyptic Salad Fingers has been following me around asking about my spoons...

- why my friends in the class all keep their distance from me so I don't touch anything metal of theirs. Even to the point of locking themselves in a cage... It's good to have friends.
Look at them in there trying to ignore me, little do they know that my rusty hands will turn that galvanised metal into dust in mere seconds. Wmahahaha!

This week there was no class but I've been working hard to build a truing jig for my big wheel. Since Park Tools very short sighted business model means they don't make a truing stand for a 52.5 inch wheel I had to 'Brett one up'. It's not what you would call sophisimacated but with a bit more tinkering it should do the job. I've put an initial tension in and so far the wheel is looking pretty good.

Pity when I go to true it there will be nothing left of the wheel thanks to my rusty hands.

I know it's hard to get a real perspective just how big the wheel is. So I thought I'd use the international standard of measurement it's a smidgen taller than 1 WESYO (Wide Eyed Seven Year Old).
Considering my rusty hands I might make a heavier duty version bike next year that will last longer.
I bet no one's going to tell him he can't get rad

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